January 13, 2013


So I've come across a super fun kind of post. You can read more about here, on Ashley's Blog
I'm really in love with these kind of projects that support communication among bloggers. I think it's something very sweet and exciting.
So for this kind of post, I have to answer a few question. So there it goes.

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?

The blog is called INTO SIMPLE THINGS and it reflects my love for the simple things in life. Those moments that will always remain in our mind and in our hear. The little things and gestures that don't cost more than some time and effort but for which you get in return a smile.
My blog is new. I've started blogging in January 2013.

2. Why do you blog?

Because it's something I've been wanting to do for a very long time.Because I love the idea that I can meet people from across the world, whom I have never met but who may become someday my friends. Because I love writing, I love computers and this is the best way to combine both while having a good time.

3. What is the first blog you ever followed?

Well this is a hard one. And I'm sorry I don't know exactly. But I think it was photography blog. I think it is deleted now.

4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012?

I wasn't blogging in 2012 but for now I enjoy every single one of my posts.

5. What are your blogging goals for 2013?

To try and write as often as possible, to grow every day and become better and to get to know beautiful people as I have up until now.

6. Name your top 3 favorite blogs.


  1. i too love link ups!! they are such a great way to get connected! cute blog. xo annalizbeth
